Sharenix is a Linux-native ShareX alternative that allows image auto-uploading to a service of your choice. This tutorial will show you how to setup Sharenix with Horizon so screenshots are auto-uploaded to Horizon.
Throughout this tutorial, pseudo-code will be referenced using
Sharenix's source code is hosted on Github and is written in Golang.
Before installing wget
to our system, we need to update our apt
universe to get the most up to date packages.
sudo apt update
Let's install wget
to our system.
sudo apt install wget -y
Head to Sharenix Releases and find the latest release. Right click on the latest release's sharenix-x86_64.tar.xz
file, copy the URL to your clipboard and open your terminal.
wget <clipboard URL>
tar xvf sharenix-*.tar.xz
sudo cp sharenix-*/sharenix /usr/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/sharenix
sudo cp sharenix-*/src/sharenix-section /usr/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/sharenix-section
sudo cp sharenix-*/src/sharenix-window /usr/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/sharenix-window
cp sharenix-*/sharenix.json ~/.sharenix.json
sharenix -h
If successful, you should see something similar to:
Usage of sharenix:
-c Copy url to clipboard - copies the uploaded file's url to the clipboard (not guaranteed to work properlyon all window managers, tested on Unity + X11) (default true)
-g Show verbose debug information (output can include sensitive info such as API keys)
Show upload history (grep-able)
-httptest.serve string
if non-empty, httptest.NewServer serves on this address and blocks
-m string
Upload mode - f/file: upload file, fs/fullscreen: screenshot entire screen and upload, s/section: select screen region and upload, c/clipboard: upload clipboard contents, r/record: record screen region and upload, u/url: shorten url (default "f")
-n Notification - displays a GTK notification for the upload
-o Open url - automatically opens the uploaded file's url in the default browser
-q Quiet mode - disables all terminal output except errors
-s string
Target site name (default = default site for the selected mode) (default "default")
If false, the file will be archived but not uploaded (default true)
-v Shows the program version
You've successfully installed Sharenix!
Now that we've installed Sharenix, we need the Horizon config to enable auto-upload.
Head to your Horizon Settings page while logged in and click “Download Configs”.
Select ShareNix in the options and click Download.
Download Configs Popup
Your browser will prompt you to save a .json
file. Save this.
Let's add our Horizon config to Sharenix.
cat horizon.json
and copy the output text.
Your output text should look something like:
"Name": "james Horizon.Pics",
"DestinationType": "ImageUploader, FileUploader",
"RequestType": "POST",
"RequestURL": "",
"Headers": {
"Body": "MultipartFormData",
"FileFormName": "file",
"URL": "$json:data.fileLink$",
"DeletionURL": "$json:data.deleteLink$"
Edit the Sharenix config file with:
nano ~/.sharenix.json
Paste the copied text from the downloaded .json
file into the Services
property in the Sharenix config file.
Then, change DefaultFileUploader
and DefaultImageUploader
to the "name"
property of the output text of your .json
file from Horizon. In this case, it's james Horizon.Pics
Save with CTRL + X
, Y
and enter
You've successfully configured Sharenix with Horizon!
Open GNOME Settings and go to Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts in GNOME Settings
Scroll all the way down and click the + icon.
The add button in Keyboard Shortcuts
Enter your name in name
and sharenix-section
in command
Add Custom Shortcut
To set a shortcut, click “Set Shortcut…” and type your shortcut combination.
When you're done, click “Add”.
You've successfully bound Sharenix to a shortcut combination!